dinsdag 16 augustus 2011

Sew excited!

Okay the title is a little cheesy but I am so excited about my latest purchase!
I finally got a sewing machine yay!. I have been debating getting one for a long
time (my mom being a great influence, as a sewing machine is apparently a definite
must in a girl's life).I just didn't know if I would use it enough, as I don't really make 
any clothes. I have tried, but everyting just turns out crooked and terribly disproportioned.
Not a succes. But I was offered a deal at work that I just could not pass up! I only paid about 20 
dollars!! You just can't find a new machine for that price.

It's the Toyota JFS18. It is a special Jeans edition, but it does all the other stitches
just fine. Now I just have to learn how to work this thing...
Any tips?

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Just read the manual my dear!!!! Hahaha
    Hugs, mum

  2. Hello there,

    Wow that is a beautifull piece of equipment.
    With this thing you can create whole new worlds.

    My tips are:
    Just start and discover along the way.
    Have fun.

    from one of your most dedicated followers
